True Transformations

Sophia Morrow, 18 What were your thoughts coming into high school? “I was most excited to be starting high school. I remember I had cut my hair really short. I figured, ‘Hey, I’m changing schools, getting a little older, maybe I should start new for high school. Now I look at it and I’m like, ‘Why did I cut my hair?’ I’ve become a lot more confident with my body. Before, I went…

Moments: Flips and Tricks

At Grant, there’s a chance you’ve seen Angelo Accus. He’s the kid who  flips and tumbles his way around campus. He spends time teaching anyone  how to be acrobatic. People, he says, find it interesting and they want to learn.  His friend, Justin Robinson (left), tries to keep up. “When I first landed an aerial, people were like: ‘Whoa, that’s incredible.’ So I kept on doing it and since then it’s just been practice makes perfect….