

March 21–April 19
Aries, you love drama and the spotlight. This year, use those attributes positively and get involved in Grant’s theater program. Just think about it — an entire auditorium of people looking at you!

April 20–May 20
Taurus, it’s only November and you’ve already used the hall pass one too many times. Staying in class a bit more this year might make your teachers less annoyed with your comings and goings.

May 21–June 20
Like Grant’s Wi-Fi, your mood has its ups and downs. Gemini, take advantage of the periodic outages to strengthen your personal relationships.

June 21–July 22
Cancer, your emotions may overwhelm and distract you from schoolwork. Be like Grant’s lead-free water fountains: Complete all your assignments to give yourself a “green light” to go have fun.

July 23–August 22
You don’t take no for an answer, even when you are locked out of the side doors after lunch. Leo, focus on the well-being of others this year, because those doors aren’t going to open themselves.

August 23–September 22
Virgo, your leadership skills will serve you well during group assignments. Try not to focus too much on perfection. Instead, appreciate that you allowed the rest of your group to contribute at all.

September 23–October 22
Libra, you are like Grant’s arts building — creative and artsy, but also cold and distant. Instead of venting to your phone’s notes app, try reaching out to a friend — or maybe an acquaintance. Literally anybody will do.

October 23–November 21
Just like the crater on the way to Hollyrood, you are mysterious and tend to attract water. Scorpio, watch your surroundings this year or you might fall into a puddle.

November 22–December 21
Sagittarius, you lost some of your precious independence with the new cell phone rule. This may be an adjustment, but you can use this opportunity to take a break from other people’s problems.

December 22–January 19
Capricorn, your practical and stoic nature makes you hard to reach, like your class on the opposite side of the main stairway. This year, try opening a door for a Leo — they might help widen your social circle.

January 20–February 18
You love to stray from the path, literally. You will do whatever it takes to get to your destination, even if it means walking on the wrong side of the hallway. Aquarius, you might annoy everyone around you, but at least you won’t be late for class.

February 19–March 20
Pisces, it’s time to face reality — your late assignment isn’t going to complete itself. Your great imagination won’t get you those points on Canvas, so maybe you can imagine another way of getting into your dream college.

The Grant Magazine is a hybrid publication, comprised of a 36 page monthly news magazine and this website. It is put out and run by a small staff of students from Grant High School in Portland, Oregon.

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