A Letter From the Editors-in-Chief

Grant students are returning to the school year with a remodeled and modernized campus. The original brick that housed the school remains, but much of the interior has been re-imagined. Sensor lights detect the presence of people and adjust the brightness accordingly. An open and more spacious campus allows students a wide variety of comfortable places to study or relax. Two large screens, to be filled mostly with student-curated content, are featured prominently. These designs showcase the innovation and renewal of the campus. 


At Grant Magazine, we too are entering a year of transition. In the past few years, our publication has experienced a change in staff, Adviser, room and school, and the move to the remodeled campus marks a new beginning for us. In our new building, our magazine sits at the top of the center stairs, a glass wall revealing the inner workings of our publication. This glass wall reflects what we intend to make the focus of our work going forward: truth and transparency. Much like the new Grant campus, the foundation of our magazine remains the same: we produce content to inform you, our readers, of the issues in your community and world. But like the polished halls and renewed auditorium, we are making changes to better ourselves and to better serve the Grant community. This past summer, we have implemented a new Editorial Policy to protect our First Amendment rights as journalists and to inform the community of how we operate as a publication. We believe that it is imperative to preserve our freedom of expression and to allow the community to understand our methods; with this framework in place, we can continue to improve the stories and content that we curate for our audience and expand the bounds of our service to better provide our readership with the truth. 


In the current national climate, the press is under attack. The prime assailants have been political figures, using the spread of distrust in the press to further their agendas, and everyday people have articulated their wariness of honest journalism. As journalists, we have the unique privilege of having a platform with which to share our voice. It is our responsibility as a publication to use this platform to search for and share the truth, regardless of the reputation of journalism. It is our job to call out systems of power, to give a voice to the voiceless and to preserve and maintain Democracy. We are dedicated to this purpose.


As we enter our ninth year of operation and our year of transition, we invite you to join us on our journey. Read our work, critique our stories and voice your opinions. We are eager for what’s to come.

The Grant Magazine is a hybrid publication, comprised of a 36 page monthly news magazine and this website. It is put out and run by a small staff of students from Grant High School in Portland, Oregon.

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