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The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

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The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

Cut and Styled

Cut and Styled

For many students at Grant, hair is much more than its physical appearance.
Peer Pride

Peer Pride

Three Grant students share their coming out experience.
Into the Light

Into the Light

After an essay written by a Grant teacher questioning rape culture goes viral, the Grant community takes a step back and asks the question: “How does rape culture exist at Grant?”
Artita-Guerrero knows that she will always remember her mom, but as she grows older her memories become less pronounced. “It’s the smaller things I wish I could remember but can’t,” she says.“So many other thing have happened in my life that I’m kinda like covering...[her death].”

Finding Solid Ground

Losing a parent is a tragedy, but it’s not uncommon for students. When it does happen, a key to coping is to talk about it.
What's Going to Happen Next?

What's Going to Happen Next?

The Grant Community reflects on what a Donald Trump presidency means for its future.
Even though Olivia Bee's work largely centers around working for commercial companies, she's stayed true to the artistic style she's developed over the years, something she describes as "documentary with a romantic eye."

Capturing the Light

When it comes to photography and film, Grant graduate Olivia Bee doesn’t need anyone to create standards for her work.
The Media Movement

The Media Movement

Activism has exploded on the internet. How much difference it makes depends on whom you ask.
Curtain Call

Curtain Call

Grant High administrators and teachers say they want the school's Theater Department to be more inclusive when it comes to race. When is that going to happen?
The Misunderstood Measure

The Misunderstood Measure

Under Oregon's mandatory minimum sentencing law, juveniles can be tried as adults if they are accused of committing certain violent crimes. Recently, four Grant High students found themselves face to face with that possibility.
Finding Her Beat

Finding Her Beat

Olivia Gadberry wants to make it in the world of jazz. Since so few women do, she’s determined to make her mark.
Walking the Line

Walking the Line

Native American students face more hurdles in getting a public school education than any other population in Portland Public Schools. That’s why Grant sophomore Rosey Sams makes her own way.
All Eyes on You: The Grant High School Sex Scandal

All Eyes on You: The Grant High School Sex Scandal

December 19, 2014

To hear about Grant Magazine's coverage of the Grant High School Sex Scandal, click below. All Eyes on You When sex and social media collide, there are no secrets. Sex Crimes Investigation Opens Up...

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