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The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

  • September 5Cha Cha Cha! Grant Magazine Fundraiser 9/24
The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

Summer Academy

From June 20 – 27, Grant Magazine hosted a journalism summer academy for middle school students. Nearly a dozen participants worked with Grant Magazine’s award-winning staff members to learn about the process of reporting, writing and photographing stories.

Summer Academy 1

For several days, these journalists-in-training went through a series of workshops designed to teach journalism basics. They absorbed lessons taught by experienced Grant Magazine staff members; read and discussed articles from news sources like the New York Times; practiced their interviewing skills by writing profiles on each other; and participated in a photography treasure hunt challenge.

Armed with their new understanding of the journalistic process, students then went out into the Grant community to work on their own stories. They interviewed sources, wrote articles, and took photographs with the guidance of Grant Mag mentors. The academy culminated with an online magazine.


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Summer Academy