As sophomore Ny’Asia Harris sits in the dark of her shuttered classroom at Grant High School in September, her classmates crowd around their teacher’s desk during a lockdown drill. The 15-year-old...
Max and Brendan Fishback have come a long way since they graduated from Grant High School. They run one of the most successful restaurant franchises in Portland, and have learned what it takes to be creative in the kitchen.
Teacher Trisha Todd spent much of her 20s and 30s exploring her sexuality, moving across the globe and trying to find meaning in her life. She’s at peace now with her decisions.
Luke Wisher’s circuitous path and unconventional thinking have landed him right where he belongs – as Grant High’s technology guru who takes a different approach to education.
Grant High School sophomore Violet Summersby woke up feeling like her insides were exploding. She screamed for her mom, who immediately knew something had gone wrong – again. As her mother helped her...