On May 8, 2024 at 4:29 PM, the Grant High School administration addressed Grant students and families in an email titled, “Updated Cell Phone Policy for 24/25 School Year.” Mere minutes after hitting...
A three-fingered salute and the words, “To help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight,” are all too familiar for Grant High School senior...
Some Portland Public Schools (PPS) students may recall taking a seemingly random test in elementary school that consisted of tediously filling in bubbles on a multiple choice booklet. This test ultimately...
Three years ago, Team Unified was introduced as a program to promote inclusivity at Grant High School. The program has since grown into a community that allows all students to gain access to a competitive athletic team.
Although the program is relatively new to Grant, Unified Sports have been around for over 30 years.
During emergencies, people look to firefighters and police officers for help. When those resources are cut off, Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams are ready to help.