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The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

The Student News Site of Grant High School

Grant Magazine

Editorial Policy


Julian Balsley, Claire Coffey, Sean Coughlin and Nora Simpson

Faculty Advisor

Matthew Daniels

Editorial Policy

Grant Magazine’s Editorial Policy is a living document that is subject to change throughout the year. All changes are to be made at the discretion of the Grant Magazine Editors-in-Chief and Advisor and will be noted with the date of revision/addition. 

Prior Review 

Grant Magazine does not receive prior review from any members of the Grant High School administration or the Portland Public Schools district. Grant Magazine receives no operational funding from Grant High School, and all printing is paid for using magazine funds. Stories and content are published solely at the discretion of the Grant Magazine staff, Editors-in-Chief, and Advisor. Grant Magazine stories and content are not censored, filtered, or curated by any person outside of the Grant Magazine organization. Grant Magazine does not operate as a “School-Sponsored Media” organization. Our right to determine the stories and content with full autonomy is protected by the Oregon Student Free Expression Law. Grant Magazine reporters, editors, and Advisor do not have the right to publish libel, slander, or content that includes unwarranted invasion of privacy.

Content Removal 

All content (including names and quotes) in our magazines and on cannot be removed or changed upon request unless a quote or personal detail in the piece is proven to be false. Persons who request to have their name or a story about or including them removed from the website must provide Grant Magazine with an official request from their employer or the government detailing the request. Exceptions to this rule, specifically in situations of personal safety, may be made only at the discretion of the Grant Magazine Editors-in-Chief and Adviser.

Editorials and Opinions

Unsigned editorials in our magazines and on represent the majority opinion of the Editorial Board and the reporter of the story, not necessarily the opinions of Grant High School and the Grant community. The name(s) of the author and illustrator are not published with the story. ‘In My Opinion’ pieces represent the opinion of the author(s), and are not necessarily reflective of the Grant Magazine majority. ‘In My Opinion’ submissions from the community are accepted via email ([email protected]) and mail (Attn: Grant Magazine. 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97212), but must be published with the name of the author. Anonymous submissions are not published in Grant Magazine unless decided upon by the Grant Magazine Editors-in-Chief and Adviser.


Grant Magazine is dedicated to being a source of necessary and accurate journalism. All of our journalists are expected to conduct themselves professionally and to follow the utmost journalistic standards that align with the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. The Grant community and beyond is encouraged to inform us of any inaccurate quotes or information that we publish in our magazines and on


All quotes in our magazines and on are either spoken or written by the source. The quotes may be edited for clarity (including the omission of words without definitions and the excessive use of ‘like’ and ‘kind of’) at the discretion of the author(s) and Editors-in-Chief. Truncated quotes are noted with ellipses (‘…’). 

AP Style

Grant Magazine follows the rules of the Associated Press Stylebook (2019) but does include some publication-specific style choices in our stories and content. Grant Magazine has made the decision to use the terminology “Black” and “White” as opposed to “African-American” and “Caucasian,” and to end quotes with “he/she/they say(s)” as opposed to “he/she/they said.”

Anonymous Sources 

Grant Magazine makes every attempt to be as transparent as possible, and prints the name of all sources included in stories and content in our magazine and on Rare exceptions are made to this rule, including sources that cannot have their name printed due to legal or safety reasons. Anonymous sources are designated by the initials (first and last) of the source used, a nonspecific letter (ex. ‘S’), or as ‘the anonymous source.’ The reporter/author and at least one Editor-in-Chief review all transcriptions of anonymous sources.

Photo Illustrations 

Photos and illustrations for stories with anonymous sources are staged and created by Grant Magazine photographers and illustrators. Silhouette and profile photographs for stories with anonymous sources are not of the anonymous source unless explicitly noted.

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Editorial Policy