When did you start horseback riding?
I have been riding for about seven years. I started when I was 10. I started because when you’re young, you try everything. So I tried ballet, tap dancing and gymnastics. Horseback riding is the only thing I have stuck with my whole life.
Why do you like it?
I have always liked horses. I like to deal with horses and really be able to make a bond with the horse. It feels nice to have someone else who has your back. It’s not the thing that a lot of people get the chance to do because it is so expensive.
What have you sacrificed as you started riding more?
My social life has gone down, but I try to keep everything balanced. I was in the JMP program. I ended up having to drop it after 11 years. It was hard but I had to make a choice that I was prioritizing my horse over pretty much everything else.
How do you pay for it?
Every other weekday, I work at my dad’s law office doing reception, filing, cleaning, and miscellaneous jobs. Trainers ask me why I always rush off after practice.
How often do you ride?
I ride about five times a week. I help pay for one-third of the horse, saddle, lodging, food, water, riding time and the gas to get out there and for the dental and vet bills.
What are some rewarding experiences?
Jumping for the first time. It’s harder than people give it credit for. Many people say, “Don’t you just sit on a horse?” No. You don’t. Getting my own horse, knowing that she is mine. She recognizes me. She comes to the front of her stall for me and that just feels rewarding.
Have you ever had any big falls?
Falling off can be an issue because if you have one bad fall, you may never ride again. I have bruised stuff, but I’ve never broken anything like some of my friends. I had a really bad fall when I was 14. I was on this little thing called Sweet Pea, and she was not sweet. My horse swerved to the left and she threw me off. And I had a bruise across the back of my legs and my back.
Where do you want to take this after high school?
I want to be a pro equestrian. I want to go to the national shows, maybe the Olympics. I may not go the college right away; I may go to training or a college with a riding program. I want to go to a college in England, but I don’t know if I’ll make it in. My parents want me to go to OSU.
Check out the rest of our Time With interviews for more brief snapshots of Grant community members.