On Jan. 12, after Grant High School’s boys varsity basketball team took the floor against Centennial, an assault occurred in the locker room. It involved players from the junior varsity team. Four players attacked two of their teammates. The incident left scars on the school’s psyche. The four attackers faced disciplinary hearings after getting kicked off the team and suspended from school. An investigation by Portland police and Grant administrators followed, roping in other sports teams. After a thorough review, Principal Vivian Orlen reinstated three of the four students. One was expelled. Orlen added rules on how coaches, teachers and adults connected to Grant will supervise students in the future. And she called for greater communication when it comes to hazing and bullying. Police have yet to release a final report on the investigation, and that has helped fueled the rumor mill. Students and adults continue to speculate about what they think happened. A fight. A sexual assault. Hazing. But Grant Magazine sources tell us that the police investigation has been wrapped up and no charges will be filed against any student at the school. The magazine launched a team of reporters after the incident to cover the story. This special report is designed to shed light, not heat, on how Grant High School moves forward.
The culture of sports
Historically, high school teams have practiced rituals to define them. Have we reached a point where the lines are blurred?
When pop culture becomes reality
TV shows, videos and other entertainment go for shock value.
Blurring the lines
Teens’ accessibility to provocative materials is changing how they react to inappropriate behavior.
What happens if you tell?
Teens and parents don’t always see eye to eye. But when safety is an issue, relationships matter.
Message to Grant
The students involved in the January 12th incident tell their side of the story.