Jack Shrott, 15, sophomore
What I strongly believe is that finding a single passion is eye opening. It makes so many things available.
For me, finding rock climbing was huge. It’s about finding what you’re into and going for it.
I’ve had crazy experiences. I saw two people die on my first trip. It was Horsethief Butte; it’s sort of like a bunch of slots canyons. I was facing some climbers who were setting up on the other side of the canyon. They were shifting around. Their anchor fell. They were out like that. All the other climbers rushed over. We went to the other side of the canyon so we wouldn’t be in the way.
We learned later in the paper that they had both died. The woman had died in the hospital. The guy had woken up, then not known where he was, then fallen out of it again. Both the guy’s kids were there, too.
You just don’t know what’s going on. It was really confusing. It was kinda weird that I kept going.
A lot of people freak out about death. When you really think about it, maybe it’s not natural to be so freaked out. There’re times where if I did fall I would die, but I feel in control.
You don’t really know what your passion’s going to be until that passion’s been tested. That was the test.
Climbers are better respected by the climbing community if they’re humble about their achievements. The worst moments are when people are trying to insinuate that they’re better than you or better than someone else.
One of my earliest climbs I went to Smith Rock with this youth group. I was the youngest kid and by a good amount, a worse climber. I tried the route and wasn’t able to do it. But at dinner people were asking, “Oh did everyone make it up?” I was expecting someone to say, “Oh no, Jack didn’t do it.” But they were like, “Everyone did a really great job.”
From that point, climbing was my one and outstanding passion. For the humble factor and that I really just enjoyed the physical aspect. I go probably four or five times a week. I find myself climbing every time that I can. I love the outdoors. I like the fact that it’s unique. It just clicks.