Sophi Buck
(Citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma), Norwegian, American
“So my dad, he leads a Native American Fellowship, right next to my house … and we buy a lot of beaded jewelry, so my (Norwegian) mom definitely has picked that up too from my Native side … she definitely likes to wear the beaded earrings.”
Aaron Zaugra
Japanese, Pacific Islander, American
“At Thanksgiving … we don’t just do the normal turkey and gravy or whatever, we add wontons and noodles and whatnot.”
Sarai Ballerstedt
British, African-Caribbean, German
“For Christmas on my dad’s side, the whole tradition is to open presents on Christmas Eve, cause you go to church and while you’re at church, Santa comes and delivers presents. And then on my mom’s side of the family, she grew up opening Christmas presents in the morning. So we do most of the presents on Christmas Eve, and then we save a couple for Christmas morning.”
Muriel Kim
Korean, Armenian, American
“I think there was a Thanksgiving one year where my mom made rice pilaf (an Armenian dish) and we had galbi, Korean ribs. We had those together and it was so good.”
Elisabeth Kollrack
Black, German, Japanese, American
“We have decorations from my mom’s childhood and from my dad’s (childhood), set up together. But like for Christmas, my dad has this German choir set up of these little, wood figurines. And my mom, she has this Black angel and Black Santa.”♦