Mika Schow
Sophomore, 15
“I like to keep the tops simple, but I always add something dressy, something to catch your eye, like jewelry – something sparkly to stand out.”
“When I pick my outfits I like to pair things, so it looks more put together. Like today, I paired this jean jacket with these jeans because they’re the same color, and it makes my checkered top stand out.”
“Fashion helps how you look on the outside … And how you feel on the outside makes you feel more confident on the inside and feel better about who you are.”
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Aidan Lenz
Junior, 17
“The influence of my fashion often comes from music, film and literature. It’s not just one defined fashion, but more experimental from all of my influences. In The Breakfast Club, there was the one person that was kind of the outlier and he was the one who liked punk music too, where he followed a certain type of fashion.”
“I’m in high school right now so I’m coming to age and it’s kind of a weird time, so I don’t really know what I want to do with my life or what type of person I am. So finding those key people in music and film inspire me to find my own self.”
“My dad grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin which is a fairly conservative place, and he stood out because he followed the punk culture too, he had like a 3-foot-tall mohawk and piercings all over his face, and his whole life he’s been happy just because he’s been following his passion and not really caring what other people think … which is what I like to do in my life too.”

Heidi Osaki
Senior, 17
“(Fashion) gives you a really tangible way to express yourself, and it’s fun to showcase your personality through the clothes that you choose to wear. I think it’s fun that it’s something that’s really easy to change and manipulate and you have a lot of control over it. It’s cool that it’s the first impression people get of you.”
“I describe my personal style like mom-ish, and that kind of has to do with my tendency to be responsible. And I care a lot for other people and I guess (my fashion is) kind of reflected off of that.”

Jordan Carter
Junior, 17
“If you’re dressed the way you perceive yourself, other people will kind of get that impression too, like this is who they are. I really got into (fashion) when I decided not to really care what people think about what I wear because there’s a lot of ridicule about what you do and how you wear things. So when I realized how like it doesn’t really matter what people think I started really wearing what I enjoy wearing and what makes me comfortable.”
“I like to organize myself but at the same time be flashy and be out there with stuff that I like. I describe it as … new age streetwear combined with high fashion. There’s a fashion at Grant I think. There’s all different types of styles because … there’s a money part to it. Everyone has different incomes and different places they come from so like it’s cool to see how people adapt to that Grant style. I find that super interesting.”