Kelli Mitchell
Before Grant: Roosevelt High School, George Middle School
Position: counselor
Kelli Mitchell was born and raised in Decatur, Illinois. Her father worked as both principal and superintendent of her high school, which led to a bit of academic rebellion.
“I was rebelling against, just this expectation of what high school and being a student had to look like,” she says. “I pushed back and I made sure that people knew that I was an advocate for people who may be overlooked.”
Because her father was the superintendent, her activism created tension within her household; however, the reactions from others didn’t persuade her to stop advocating for her peers.
Along with her activism, Mitchell found leadership and social skills through her school’s dance community. Throughout her four years of high school, she danced on the varsity dance team and was named captain her sophomore year. Mitchell has continued to dance recreationally into her adulthood.
Mitchell intends to use her leadership and social skills as a counselor at Grant; she wants to create an impact on young people – the generation of the future.
“My primary goal is to be an advocate, to be an ally, to be a voice for all the students that I work with,” she says. “If I can connect with those students and help them get a greater sense of community here, that would be a success for me.”
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