Olivia Hasapis, 14, freshman (background)
“It was sunny, and we had not had lunch outside in awhile so we were just like, ‘Let’s go outside’ … We were sitting on the bleachers, and then we just saw a shopping cart … We all started like going around in it, and we saw some hills, and we were like, ‘Let’s take this to the next level …’ High school is boring, and when you see a shopping cart and you’re just eating lunch, or you’re gonna go to class and you see a shopping cart you’re like, ‘Wow, I’m not gonna get to go down a hill in a shopping cart in biology, so I’ll do it now.’”
Edith Allen, 15, freshman (foreground)
“I think [the cart] was from Whole Foods, it was on the turf so then I was like, ‘Hey guys let’s go over there.’ So we went over and started pushing each other around in it. I just thought it’d be fun … We were learning about in health class how your prefrontal cortex is not fully formed yet, so it’s like, you’re not as good at making decisions. But I don’t think that it was a bad decision … I wanna live my life and have fun. When people are older, they’re definitely more worried about breaking a bone or something.”